Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sheep Shearing, a meticulous art

It's the summertime, in the spring, the sheep are usually sheared. At least once a year, the sheep must be stripped of their fleece for their well-being. The reasons? First, for hygiene: sheep shearing avoids the appearance of external parasites, and animals are the cleanest in sheep. Having less hot, sheep eat with more appetite and have a better body condition. Although more than one crop of wool, sheep shearing is most essential to their health.
Although there are still some who practice shearers shearing sheep with forces, most of them use electric mowers sheep. In less than three minutes, the sheep is totally stripped of its wool, then it would take 10 to 13 minutes for shearing sheep with scissors. For a herd of 200 to 300 sheep, this modern tool allows them to gain valuable time.
The Bowen method, the "technical Orange
There are various techniques for sheep shearing, depending on the type of race. The best known and effective method is the Bowen, the name of a shearer in New Zealand. The sheep is then positioned comfortably between the legs of the shearer in a sitting position. Then the positions are linked in a specific order: on the side, back and side. This method can remove the wool in one piece, like an orange peel. Thus only 41 shots electric clipper, sheep are stripped of his fleece.
To learn this technique, a 3-day training is required. But in reality it will take years to shearer and thousands of shorn sheep to master this method and succeed in removing the fleece in less than 3 minutes. The world record? An Australian Dwayne Black, who has stripped a sheep in 45.41 seconds in 2009. But the sheep shearing is not just about speed, it must be a balance between speed, cutting and quality of work. More than a profession, an art

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