Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The E.coli bacterium would not be in germinated seeds

In spite of the various explored tracks, l' origin of the contamination by the E.coli bacterium remains mysterious. The first test carried out on germinated seeds, a time shown of the finger, appeared negative.

The bacterium, which has fact 23 died in Europe, remained always imperceptible Monday, the first tests on germinated seeds d' a farm bio German s' being revealed negative. Whereas the hospitals confirmed a stabilization of l' epidemic, a new victim was recorded, a nonagenarian deceased Friday of the continuations d' a haemolytic and uraemic syndrome (SHU), serious renal disorders caused by the enterohemorragic E.coli bacterium (Eceh). It s' acts of the 23e death in Europe, including 22 in Germany. Suédoise contaminated at the time d' a stay in dead Germany east last week. Hospitals of the North of the country, principal hearth d' infection, evoked a reduction of the number of new patients, according to the Minister for the Health of the Schleswig-Holstein, Heiner Garg. The university private clinic of Hamburg-Eppendorf raised as for it, " at much of (its) patient a stabilization grandissante" of l' health condition. L' precise origin of this contamination remained however always also dubious. The first results of tests on taking away carried out in a farm bio producing seeds germinated in Lower Saxony (northern) appeared negative. " For the moment, the source (of the contamination) n' could not be given. On the 40 taken samples, 23 analyses gave négatifs" results; , the ministry of l' announced; Agriculture of l' Regional state. Results of the 17 other samples taken on the goods but also l' water, the system d' ventilation or stalls of l' biological exploitation of Bienenbüttel, a small village located at 80 km in the south of Hamburg, are awaited soon. L' company produces varieties of germinated seeds (broccoli, radish, mustard,…) or of bean starts-up (mungo, azuki…), primarily for salads. She works with seeds in source d' Germany but also d' other European countries, and d' The Far East. The German Minister for Health, Daniel Bahr, had however evoked Sunday of strong presumptions as for these germinated seeds. The minister German of l' Agriculture, Ilse Aigner, repeated that the believed cucumber and salad, tomato, germinated seed consumption would remain strongly disadvised as long as the source would not be identified. The German health authorities had before blamed of the cucumbers produced in Spain, which appeared without danger. These charges had caused a diplomatic mini-crisis between Berlin and Madrid, which claimed " extraordinaires" assistances; of l' EU like " dédommagement". The European commission has d' elsewhere announced Monday its intention to propose compensations with the farmers whose sales crumbled. This help will be discussed Tuesday during the extraordinary meeting of the ministers of l' Agriculture in Luxembourg. In 1996, a similar epidemic had burst in Japan, making more than 10.000 patients and causing the death of eight d' between them. In the seven following years, 14 people were to die with the course d' sporadic epidemics. The Japanese health authorities had d' access suspected of radish seeds germinated, but any proof n' had finally come to support these charges and l' origin of l' epidemic n' established forever. The European commission had indicated Sunday evening that l' Germany should soon launch a warning on seeds germinated via the European system d' fast alarm. L' Spain took Monday a revision of the mechanism d' alarm food European, and known as to await explanations of the German authorities on their management of l' business.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Advantages of the anti-mosquito patch

When returns the time of the long nights d' be with the corner of fire, one reconsiders immediately with l' acquisition d' anti-mosquito effective. Indeed, as much it is pleasant to spend several hours, outside, to discuss all and of nothing, as much it is painful of always owe " battre" with the mosquitos, increasingly bold, not to be made prick. Among the various products anti-mosquito, there is of them one which is distinguished from its flexibility and its discretion: the anti-mosquito patch. Advantages related to l' use of the anti-mosquito patch The problem with all the traditional products anti-mosquito, c' is qu' they are stuffed chemicals. C' is why the patch anti-mosquito fate of the batch, with a solution 100% natural, which is absorbed by the pores of the skin and is repeated in the form of natural perspiration, to make flee any mosquito which s' would approach you. Another advantage of this product, c' is qu' once set up, you can really walk you where you wish it. Not need to put an apparatus in each part of your house or to try to fill your garden with various products, the patch allows you d' to be protected, where that you are. Finally, it also should be noticed that this type of patch, as it is positioned directly on the skin, is much more effective than the majority of the other products against the mosquitos. Conclusion It n' is not always easy to protect itself from the mosquitos in an effective way. In the same way, the hazardous substances and/or pollutants are not any more welcome on our premises and it was consequently necessary to find a solution without danger to protect itself from the mosquitos. C' is thing made thanks to the anti-mosquito patch, a product allowing l' man of being able to be driven freely, that it is at his place, downtown, in the countryside or any other place, and this without having to fear a possible puncture of mosquito.

Races of cat

At the beginning, the cats were used for only one end qu' is: to kill the rodents. With the passing of years, we started to raise cats of company. Aujourd' today, several races of cats are counted. They are more than 70 distinct races, recognized by the register-cats. But, there exist several registers which do not recognize qu' approximately 40 races or a little more, because they exclude the most domestic races, like the tigers. There also exists of many alternatives, including the wildcats which have long hair. There are certain races of cats which have roots which go up a little longer in l' history. Certain Japanese races, such as Japanese Bobtails, can go up jusqu' with more than 1000 years. These cats are very current and well-known in Japan. The most current races of cats which are in North America include/understand the ordinary cat which is a cat with long hair, and the chat.persan. The Siamese cats are also frequent, even s' they are well-known to be destroying and have a bad character. The Persian cats are very popular, known like affectionate companions. " Alley Cats" are most common in North America. There are in fact several different races, although the majority d' between them one only refers them as of the ordinary cats which are good pets. The cats are known to reproduce more than any other pet, and they will continue to reproduce jusqu' with this qu' they are stopped. The ordinary cats among are raised, as there are hundreds of thousands of cats which are homeless person - and n' has nothing to make to reproduce. L' appearance of the cat is the easiest means to recognize its race. Certain people choose to pass by the color, even if the color n' is not also easy to identify. Several races of cats have l' different air, like the Siamese one and the Persian cats. The Siamese cats all are almost black, and easy to identify by their color and their eyes. Persian cats, d' another share, are easily identified by their type of body and their hair. With the passing of years, the cats were the most popular pets. Million people in the world prefers a cat on n' import which other pet - including the dogs.

How kittens learn to hunt

The cats chased the rats and mice as long as cats and humans live together. Strange as it may sound to some people, cats are not born knowing how to hunt. It's a skill they have learned by watching their mothers. If the mother is a good hunter, so her kittens will learn to be good hunters. Interestingly, the kittens seem to learn best from their mothers. They do not seem to learn as well and as quickly from watching other cats.
At an age of about five or six weeks, a mother cat will begin to teach its kittens how to hunt. First, she brings dead mice to the kittens and then before them, he eats some of the mice. In this way, it shows them that the mice are prey and they are good to eat. Over time, the kittens begin to play with the dead mouse that their mother has made, then very soon, kittens throw dead mice around them and jump on it. It's a good idea to stay away from them when they are at that stage. You could be slapped with a flying mouse if you're not careful!
After some time the mother begins to give half of the mice died and left the kittens for their exercises. Soon, the kittens pounce and throw these mice around them with as much confidence as they did with those who died and their mother had made. Then, their mother begins to bring live mice, healthy and free for the kittens do the exercise. The first time the mother cat releases a live mouse, and tries to escape, there is an immediate uproar among kittens. Wildly excited, restless kittens, trying to pounce on the mouse that zigzags between them. If the mouse escaped to the kittens, the mother usually returns in the game at this time, the kittens are so excited that they jump on anything that moves. The mouse, a blade of grass, a loose sheet, or even one of their fellows, it looks like everything is a mouse for them! Thus, not surprisingly, the mouse escapes often during those first lessons.
Over the lessons, the kittens are becoming more discerning in their goals and develop their ability to catch the mouse agile and quick. These lessons do not always turn out nicely. A kitten has been the surprise of his life when he was hunting big mouse suddenly sitting opposite him and began to rumble with all the force of his lungs. The mouse was apparently so upset by this whole thing that she really jumped on the kitten. The frightened kitten fell backwards and the mouse runs away to seek safety. Live and learn the experience of life ... even for a kitten!
One day the mother cat decides that the kittens are ready for their first real hunt. She takes them to a good place where she knows there are many mouse to train the kittens. It does not reveal his technique for hunting kittens. Instead, it lets them develop their own style during these incursions to hunt. Each kitten discovers the techniques that work best for him. At the end of their lessons, the kittens have become themselves good hunters of mice.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

To choose its indicator or its medium well

To choose an indicator or a medium often amounts choosing a confidant, a person who will be with l' listen to our most personal questionings, our doubts, our hopes, and sometimes even of our fears. C' is why it is advisable to choose d' start the good person, who beyond her gifts of perspicacity, will be able to show human heat and d' empathy. The Web abounds with more or less professional médiums, going sometimes, and even often, jusqu' with the malintentionnés charlatans, whose livelihood is d' to exploit the credulity of some, the distress d' others, and which end up throwing a veil of doubt about all the profession, which ends up more not inspiring confidence, almost by principle. Fortunately, there still exists of professional truths, which knew to cultivate their gift and l' to enrich d' years d' studies, to propose with their customers services of clairvoyance based on mutual confidence and the truth of the predictions. One of the best d' means; to be certain to consult a person worthy of confidence is undoubtedly the word of mount: a medium recommended by a close relation already proved reliable auprès d' a person who wants only your good, and n' an indicator rather to you qu' has any lucrative interest to recommend; another, if not l' envy to help you, thanks to the person who knew to answer her waitings. Failing this, best is to inform you by your own means, in n' not hesitating to put questions, in particular about the methods employed in l' art of the divination or l' origin of the gift of the medium in question. A quite disposed professional should not make you pay for this information. This stage is important in this direction qu' it makes it possible to better know, and thus to choose a medium with which one has a certain affinity. It is very important that the consultation proceeds without any faintness, in all confidence. Do not yield either to the generally accepted ideas according to which a good seeing must be able to do without publicity. It seems obvious that in the world in which we live aujourd' today, it would be not very realistic to launch out while counting only on the word of mount and, to start, it is necessary well to be made known. It is on the other hand rather important to look at the content of publicity of question, and to know to make the sorting, especially lorsqu' it s' d' acts; free advertisements for example. Lastly, n' do not forget that, so certain people were born with a gift for clairvoyance, we are not all less gifted d' a certain intuition. Made confidence with your personal intuition and n' do not forget that you are the customer. Thus refuse the médiums which seem to want to take the control of your life, and will know that the predictions should be regarded as councils, indications on the procedure to follow in such or such situation, and certainly not like orders. Once you will have found the person who agrees to you really, you will discover a rich and pleasant relation, and will not regret this alliance which can bring so much in a life .

Astrological compatibility and signs

Each person wants to have l' harmonize and of l' balance in its relation of couple. Do you know the compatibility of your astrological sign? L' love and the partners are in connection with the astrological signs because the planets, l' astrology and the sign zodiacal show the solar mechanisms and constellations which determine your feelings. L' objective of astrological compatibility is to influence you and to determine you to develop a good relationship of couple. By l' intermediary of l' astrology and of the compatibility of the astrological signs each person can find the partner ideal to have a relation of stable and durable couple. Discover the characteristics of your astrological sign according to l' love and of compatibility! The astrological signs characterize each person and the solar constellations predict the characteristics of your personality and your future. In l' astrology, there are certain elements which correspond to your character. Consult the elements of your partner and develop a good relationship of couple! L' man balance is controlled by l' balance and c' for that qu' is; he always has l' balance in its relation of couple! Sign Earth, l' man Capricorn is a partner heading whose relations of couple are stable and durable. Esoteric sciences predict the characteristics, qualities and the defects of each person according to the astrological sign. Discover the ideal compatibility of your astrological sign and are in connection with the solar constellations! In l' astrology, there are certain astrological signs which bring various characteristics such as for example, the dreams, mysticism and the mysteries. Bring mysticism and revival in your relation of couple by l' intermediary of l' man fish! A good relationship of couple brings you towards happiness, the joy and l' harmonize. Use esoteric sciences and the astrological signs to have a good relationship of couple!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fat Burner: are they really effective?

One of the most "trendy" to burn your fat is to use a fat burner. Indeed, the very name of this product is quite attractive and many people talk about it, which leads to a sizable increase in sales. Yet for you, what matters is not whether a product is selling well or not but whether it really works.
What about fat burners?
In fact, fat burners are truly effective, provided you know how to use them. Thus, as with many weight loss products, fat burners are only minimally effective if you do not practice or some sport. Of course, you do not have to sign up for a marathon, but several hours of walking per week at minimum, are necessary to enjoy all the benefits of a good fat burner.
Thus, the fat burner will increase your metabolism and help, gradually increase the amount of energy available to your organization. Then you will burn more fat but also have better muscle tone, to perform more exercises.
Caution, however, we must realize that there are quite a number of fat burner on the market, they are not all as effective as each other.
Therefore promotes quality products, even if they cost a little more expensive, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises after your purchase.
In general, fat burners are effective products for weight loss. That being said, everything still depends on the quality of the product that you purchase but also and above all, the number of physical effort you make, week after week ...

Must drink lots of water to lose weight?

Physicians and other health professionals advise us to drink plenty of water.
And you probably know the famous slogan: "Drink, eliminate!"
Drink water, why and how?
Our body eliminates about 2 liters of water daily through urine, feces, perspiration and respiration. Water helps regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, moisturizes the skin and forming blood. But how much water a day?
If you eat foods high in salt or in case of specific pathology, it is recommended to drink plenty of water.
But if you do not have a health problem and if you eat enough fruits and vegetables, you will not often thirsty, if at all.
70% of the water required is provided by food. In addition, all beverages we drink are additional contributions.
Drink 1.5 liters of water per day?
Were you recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, or even 2 liters?
Scientific research shows that drinking lots of water does not allow the kidneys to help filter and eliminate toxins.
The naturopath Robert Masson warns us against "the medical and naturopathic way is to drink without thirst."
Dr. George Pourtalet argues that the more we drink, the more we weary our kidneys. He observed side effects in people who drink too much water for long periods: water retention, bloating, weight gain, cellulite, ...
Drinking makes you lose weight?
A recent American study claims that the water would help them lose weight. Especially if you drink a full glass of water just before meals. Water adds volume to the stomach and you eat less.
Drink lots of water does not lose weight, but water is a very good appetite: it causes a sensation of fullness, without adding any calories. Some manufacturers even sell bottled water labeled "0% calorie" ...
Yet you do not lose weight if you just drink lots of water. Losing weight requires reducing caloric intake, certainly, but not only! I return to this subject soon.
If you drink a lot, you might even digestive disorders. An early result of eating too much liquid digestive juices to penetrate quickly into the small intestine. They then reach the colon without being able to permeate the food.
You may also disrupting your digestive system to grow and promote the accumulation of cellulite.
If you want to lose weight while remaining healthy, avoid drinking lots of water on an empty stomach!

Do you have a little time to make money

In our article today we will talk of "eBay" as more and more users make their living by buying and selling on this site and on other auctions on-line.
This is one of the most profitable.
This is certainly one way to make sales the best known and among the most profitable on the Internet quickly.
Many books have been written about the phenomenon of "eBay" auctions and "online". There are also many websites devoted to it.
"EBay" is not the only auction site on the Internet. However, it is certainly the best known and most successful.
Some of the books that explain how to make money on "eBay" more than 500 pages. This means the scope of activities and potential revenue.
"EBay" auctions and "online" have the distinction of attracting thousands of visitors and traffic.
In the case of "eBay" is talking about millions of people simultaneously connected per day. Here are some statistics:
There are over 2 million people who visit "eBay" in every day to search for a product to buy.
On average, visitors spend about two hours to find products.
72% of users 'eBay' make more $ 50 000 in personal income.
There are over 150 million subscribers currently members.
$ 1 000 of sales are made every second on "eBay", or some $ 86 million in sales per day. Billions each year.
The successes on "eBay" have become legion.
They even created a culture and way of life based on it.
Many users generate good income devoted to trade in the auction "online" while doing something they love.
Basically, the sales system based on the notion of auction ... that is to say that it displays a product and sells it to the highest bidder.
It is interesting to note that between 40 and 50% of sales are made without competitive bidding, that is to say fixed price.
It can also be creative and do business on "eBay" in its broadest sense. That is to say, buying products online and relist it for a profit.
Some people post more than $ 500 000 a year in revenues by focusing solely on trade "eBay."
Several entrepreneurs who had their own site and generated few sales have simply moved their operations on "eBay" and blew up their sales.

Knowing the benefits of buying and selling on eBay

Until recently I'd never been on eBay. After revealing my lack of culture eBay several employees in small firms, I discovered the simplicity of the business model of eBay. Even a technophobe like me can take advantage of this online marketplace for buying and selling safely with confidence.
How to start
Small businesses and individuals have great power over eBay. So how does this work on? As a seller on eBay, you pay a flat fee to submit your articles minimal. As a buyer, you can visit the site for free and you pay only the price of the item and shipping. Just look for the item you want and register by choosing a username and password and you're ready.
Remember to try to be specific in your search. If you type "camera", for example, you get thousands of results. Specify your search terms, eg "Canon Power Shot G3.
Buy now or opt for auction
If the article is followed by the words "Buy Now" is a purchase like any other store, you simply click to induce you to buy the product and it's yours. Auction type transactions are those where you bet. Some auction items have a reserve price undisclosed. If your bid is below the reserve, you will be notified and we will not consider your bet. You can bet again a higher price if you wish. And do not forget to check if the item you covet is new or used.
The art auction
Every item offered for auction will be displayed along with the exact expiration time of the auction. Bet during the final minutes, and even the final seconds, can be very intense. The prices of many items double approach the final minutes. You can track your bets in the "My eBay" which lists all of your items. There are now tools that allow you to see the progress in real time on his mobile phone.
What are the advantages of buying and selling on eBay? From what I've discovered, they are endless!

How to boost your sales on eBay?

Only a successful sale generates profits. You can attract visitors to your auction, you can also get them to read it, but the most important thing is to get them to bid. Here are some tips that can help you improve your eBay listings and make more money on each sale:
1) It depends largely on how you design your auction. You should try to provide lots of information so that your ad be captivantse and give the urge to buy your item. For example, some people do not give enough importance to the accompanying picture they post on eBay. A professional image taken with proper lighting and good background is as vital as the description of your item.
2) Most buyers are concerned about disputes and worries they may have after purchasing a product. To allay these fears, the best policy is to provide as much information as possible about your subject: your image must be professional and build confidence, develop all marketing techniques, delivery schedules, payments and many others.
3) Nothing boosts confidence more than good reviews. Include all the positive feedback right place and if you have 100% positive feedback, make sure they soientt mentioned on all your auctions. If you have a reserve price, this is likely to discourage enchéreurs.
4) Make sure your description focuses on the benefits that your item can give to customers, not just its features. This is a classic sales techniques. If you have any problems with this, remember: "cheap", "save money"
5) You can never be sure about the payment method preferr a buyer. Try not to include unusual methods of payment such as checks that even most vendors are trying to avoid.
6) Remember that much depends on the search results when it comes to classes that are full of articles. To ensure that your product is in the top ten results and get many hits you regularly update your listing.

What is epistemology?

Speaking of "epistemology" does not come naturally, because this name is ambiguous. His unit contingent epistemic, scientific unknown place, either side of the analysis, either side of criticism.
According to the most common definition without using the old sense of the word (Greek episteme, "knowledge or science" and logos, "study") would say that his field experience is the scientific discourse in a critical view. As his work includes a reflection on science, their approaches and results and is therefore a part of philosophy that is interested in rational discourse on scientific knowledge. Indeed, the second meaning is that of definitional study of "epistemic" as part of recreational speech produced by positivist disciplines called "non-science." From this angle, what is science? How to buy? What are the steps of analysis? Why it occurs?
In common usage, the word "science" can have several meanings and it is therefore necessary to disambiguate the conceptual confusion with "knowledge" and "knowledge", citing the definition of Descartes (1596-1695): "Science is a body of knowledge, study of universal value, characterized by an object and a specific method, based on verifiable objective relations "(1). This definition associates the word "science" a certain kind of rigor and objectivity of relations based on verifiable, and the word "verifiable" refers to a confrontation with the facts or to control the internal consistency of knowledge. It is clear that the only internal consistency of knowledge can not give them a universal value and that only a confrontation with the facts warrants that this knowledge is applicable.
However, as Descartes' epistemology has arisen for solving scientific problems "that is to say the research is based on epistemological relativity of scientific theories, while calling into question their results. Then, it is based on a protocol of observation and description developed by philosophers foundationalist who asked about the possibility of isolation of the facts of observation based on the generalization of theories.
On the other hand, the holistic perspective, positivist, for which (Willard Van Orman Quine), the observation protocol is not critical, so there is no limit to empiricism in relation theorization of its observation. On this dimension, epistemology is used to verify the extent of the validity of science (social and exact) after a description of objective analysis approaches to study science. With an inductive method (which involves moving from a singular event in a logical justification of the results). By cons, according to Karl Popper, this reasoning is relative, because many observations are not sufficient to develop a universal theory falsified by a single unexpected remark. Moreover, according to Gaston Bachelard: "Spirit is the sign problem of the scientific mind (...) there is no knowledge data, there are only structured knowledge" (3), this definition shows that knowledge does not build in an arbitrary manner but rather it is integrating them into existing conceptual networks.
On an educational dimension, epistemology comes, of course, presumably at the formulation of theories, Gaston Bachelard considers knowledge as a product of cognitive growth, saying "there is no juxtaposition of knowledge "(4). The epistemology involved in establishing complementary links between science, while ensuring their universality.
In addition, learning is a challenge for teaching and for epistemology called the theory of science. The latter is also based on one or strategies for analysis after a description of objective scientific results to apply science in a state of constant evolution.
In terms of exact sciences, such as mathematical epistemology does not provide ways for demonstration or strategies for solving an equation, but it serves to ask, after seeing the final result achieved by mathematician.
On the way of demonstration. This review (a posteriori) allows the mathematician to follow his steps for solving a given problem slowly and surely, and therefore, "the theories of science" is the logical basis of all criticism.
In terms of linguistics, JG MILNER mentions that "the general rules in question define this meta discipline called" the epistemology of linguistics "or" theory of language '"(5). Epistemology thus includes a reflection on the language (its origin and autonomy), it opens new horizons in linguistics research.
There are two types of epistemology:
1-An epistemology to internal criteria, inspired by Aristotelian thinking (a theory based on three criteria to satisfy a theory of language: consistency, formal rigor and simplicity of the reasoning).
Another 2-on external criteria, illustrated by Galileo (1564-1642) where the concept of epistemology Galilean relied on hypothetical-deductive method: the construction of prior assumptions for an efficient audit results.
In the end, this theory of science of science leads to continuous development with growth sure to satisfy the horizons of expectation of the researchers. It is therefore a science laboratory empirical scientific crisis resolution. It gives priority to monitoring and counseling, it is "the science of scientific problems solved" So, are there any epistemology of epistemology?

Discovering books

Walking, almost phenomenal, the computer tool did much damage in the literary world. Indeed, the production of books and readership have declined relatively. SMS, e-mail and, specifically, the Internet take away the common man of books. The next lines we elucidate about the origin, importance and reserved for future books.
The completion of the book is drawn from the resolution of a few people to write texts. These texts could have a tangibility ordinary long term only through books. Wood shelves with the travel books is also marked by papyrus, scribes and scrolls. The real book revolution intervened with the works of Johannes Gutenberg in 1450. Thanks to him, it became possible to reproduce a book, not a single copy, but many. Further, we explore the fate of the book.
Many people are wondering the reason for all this publicity around the book. For those, it is worth mentioning that among the important factors to the perfect health of our civilization, the books have a prominent place. Besides their natural ability to enhance our thinking and educate us, books are judged, such as an invaluable legacy for future generations. In other words, the books are set and maintained, the greatest facts of our existence.
Nowadays, the costs of distribution and production of books are reduced, the magnitude of the Internet. It was now, instead of encyclopedias, websites. The physical book is gradually giving place to the electronic book (e-book). The latter, in comparison with the world of music, is worried by future acts of piracy. In short, the future of the book is found, much more clearly in the note pad.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Five benefits of an LCD TV

The home theater gaining popularity and the advantages of LCD TVs are becoming more known. CRT televisions out of homes and plasma televisions are becoming harder to find on retail shelves. Have a screen LCD offers several advantages including image quality, connectivity and environmental impact because it consumes less energy
When you think of the advantages of an LCD TV, one of the first things mentioned is the image quality. LCD TVs were brought into the high definition (HD) in homes. The typical viewing angle of LCD TV is 175 degrees, which means that a person almost perpendicular to the screen and still see the image clearly. This advantage is especially useful when setting up a home theater system, place the TV where you want and you will still be able to watch.
An additional advantage of LCD TVs, they have much less impact of reflectivity and glare even in bright room. This is also a major advantage in setting up the show.
Another advantage of an LCD TV is its versatility. Many models can be used as a TV or as a computer screen. This means that you can work on a spreadsheet and even watch television on the same screen. Even better, the new Internet models. You do not even need a computer. Simply connect the TV to a wireless or wired network, and get access to your favorite sites.
Most LCD televisions are just a few inches thick, making them even more attractive in the decor. In fact, technological advances are helping LCDs become so thin that in 2009 LG has unveiled a prototype LCD TV that was only 0.2 inches deep. This feature makes the LCD light that can be attached to almost any wall as a work of art.
Its environmental impact is much reduced with an LCD screen. The backlight can be dimmed during dark scenes or even turned off to save power. For even more savings for electricity consumers can invest in LCD TVs with LED backlight.
More details on the Sony website with the new BRAVIA which includes more technology Montion flow and Opti contrast.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

VoIP, what is it?

With the development of telecommunications, it now benefits from new offerings, VoIP in particular is more and more followers as it offers many advantages and is increasingly present in homes. But what exactly is VoIP?
VoIP literally means Voice over IP (Internet Protocol), or simply Voice over IP network. So a method of communicating over the Internet by voice. You could use it via instant messaging software like Yahoo Messenger, Windows Live Messenger and ICQ, among others. So it was to communicate from PC to PC, but the service has grown in recent years IP telephony can therefore make real phone calls. Skype is now a major player in this market for computer telephony. But operators triple play (internet, telephone, television) offer this course by internet telephony service through their modems multiservice.
The advantages of VoIP are many, both for providers and users. Firstly in terms of cost, users of Internet telephony are significant savings, especially for international calls: Call Algeria, China or the United States not to increase more, now, your phone bill. These cost reductions are even greater for companies that chose VoIP.
Other advantages are rather technical but equally interesting. Thus, VoIP represents a small revolution in telecommunications but will not keep its users trapped in their technology choices, because changes that will depend much less than the existing one. There will be no problems of compatibility or interoperability with multiple vendors and different standards. In addition, select IP transport is grouped into three networks: voice, data and video, which greatly simplifies management, since only one tool all pools. It's the whole point of the triple play. And regarding the video services are numerous and include applications such as video conferencing, e-learning, video surveil, video on demand, video games. This wide variety of services are offered at minimal cost, this explains its success.
VoIP has greatly streamlined communications and reduced prices. Transporting data, voice and video can now be provided by IP only. Call Algeria, to make a video-conference with Canada, a course in Australia, there is no limits!

From the classic line to GSM and VOIP telephone history

It is popularly accepted that Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone. Although the intellectual property of the invention is discussed, it was Bell who in 1876 laid the provision of improved telegraphy. In 1877, the first test was conducted by himself. The very first words would have summers: "Mr. Watson, come here. I must talk. "
Since then, improvements in the world of telephony has continued to evolve. Younger generations do not probably remember it, but when the phone was launched in early 1990, it was not immediately a revolution. The reason was simple: the first mobile phones were not quite the pinnacle of portability ...
GSM already has a long journey. It has become increasingly small. Telephone companies have increased their support in the form of subscriptions and of course, coverage. Unless voice, it became possible to also send short messages: text messages. It is strange to imagine today, but the first response to SMS was rather cold. What could we say in 160 characters?
It is thanks to young people who have created their own ingot SMS, the SMS started to experience a success. SMS came after MMS. The mobile phone is nowadays much more than just a device to make calls and send short messages. Music, photo, calendar, internet, or even console games: everything is possible with new cell phones.
Behind all this, there are different technologies. In 1997 we added the GPRS and GPS technology in 1999 for EDGE data transmission other than voice. Now it's 3G, mobile internet, which is all the rage. And it awaits the 4G.
But the phone, it can also happen through Internet networks, whether a telephone line (PSTN) or coaxial cable. This is called VoIP, Voice Over Internet Protocol. The advantage is reduced cost. The VOIP phone is implemented in many companies but for consumers, it also exists. Skype is the best example. However, the use of VOIP calls without a computer by cons phone specially designed for VOIP.

How cheaper calls worldwide

Is it really possible to cheaper calls? The answer is in this article.
Telephony has grown considerably in recent years.
Especially since the advent of the Internet and discovering the TOIP (Internet telephony), it is now possible to call the unbeatable prices that no matter what you call a landline, cell phone or halfway around the world .
Cheaper calls with Internet telephony
VOIP (Voice over Internet) allows for a few years of free Internet calls from computer to computer.
Connection systems are different, no need to pay a telephone operator to join your party.
The famous Skype uses this particular system and now allows millions of people to speak and be free from Skype pseudonyms.
It also can call landlines or mobile phones at very affordable prices to all countries of the world.
It is without doubt one of the least expensive systems on the market.
Cheaper calls with prepaid cards
Yes indeed prepaid cards have been around a little longer now and are still essential, especially in countries where immigration has greatly expanded.
It is indeed a simple way to join family or friends back in his home country. However, new maps bloom every week.
And, apart from maps created by the major telecom operators, it is unclear whether the new cards are reliable in terms of operation and duration promised ...

The management of customer, a vital function in the company!

In France the regulations prohibiting companies are often made on credit and payment terms vary effective for five years at a relatively high level of between 63 and
68 days (65 days in 2005) (1).
However, these payment delays may seriously affect the financial stability of a company at three levels:
• profitability: the company provides credit to its customer support expenses of administration of its claims and has to re finance loan from debt or equity;
• its risk: the agreeing payment terms exposes the firm to a risk of rupture cash payment default of its customers;
• its debt capacity: a credit policy in international business raising their working capital needs of the business (BFR), which reduces its borrowing capacity, necessary to finance its investment projects.
To control its risk client, the company must establish a simple and effective management, involving all the company's business (logistics, sales ...) throughout the sales cycle:
• the order is taken, the company must assess customer risk through a collection of relevant information (capital, age, financial situation ...), and create optimal conditions for payment by negotiating with the buyer on terms appropriate its profile;
• between billing and the due date, the company should focus on monitoring risk, recovery upstream to prevent litigation, and the financing of the debt;
• finally, after deadline, if the debt is not paid, the company must quickly proceed with the claim for payment under its own power or through the intervention of an intermediary. If
was insured against the risk of default or if it deals with a factor, the company will approach this phase with more serenity.

Sheep Shearing, a meticulous art

It's the summertime, in the spring, the sheep are usually sheared. At least once a year, the sheep must be stripped of their fleece for their well-being. The reasons? First, for hygiene: sheep shearing avoids the appearance of external parasites, and animals are the cleanest in sheep. Having less hot, sheep eat with more appetite and have a better body condition. Although more than one crop of wool, sheep shearing is most essential to their health.
Although there are still some who practice shearers shearing sheep with forces, most of them use electric mowers sheep. In less than three minutes, the sheep is totally stripped of its wool, then it would take 10 to 13 minutes for shearing sheep with scissors. For a herd of 200 to 300 sheep, this modern tool allows them to gain valuable time.
The Bowen method, the "technical Orange
There are various techniques for sheep shearing, depending on the type of race. The best known and effective method is the Bowen, the name of a shearer in New Zealand. The sheep is then positioned comfortably between the legs of the shearer in a sitting position. Then the positions are linked in a specific order: on the side, back and side. This method can remove the wool in one piece, like an orange peel. Thus only 41 shots electric clipper, sheep are stripped of his fleece.
To learn this technique, a 3-day training is required. But in reality it will take years to shearer and thousands of shorn sheep to master this method and succeed in removing the fleece in less than 3 minutes. The world record? An Australian Dwayne Black, who has stripped a sheep in 45.41 seconds in 2009. But the sheep shearing is not just about speed, it must be a balance between speed, cutting and quality of work. More than a profession, an art

Why Gold Investment ?

People buy gold for various reasons:
Gold is popular in industrial applications as gold has a high resistance to corrosion. It is malleable, ductile, and possesses high electrical conductivity. Gold cannot be destroyed easily. It does not tarnish and is also not corroded by most of the acids – except by a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids.
Gold forms an integral part of many industries. The jeweler industry the major user of gold since gold has aesthetic appeal and its beauty recommends it for ornament making above all other metals.
Gold is an important part of religious and social customs in many countries even today. It is also still used as a form of saving.
Nowadays many Central Banks have been selling off huge amounts of their gold reserves. As a result the international price of gold has dropped in the last few years.
Also, buying of gold can prove to be a safe and parallel investment. Due to uncertainty in the stock market and the value of the US dollar, it’s a good idea to put 10-20% of your money into a hedge fund in order to protect yourself. Because they have relatively stable values gold and silver have always been considered to be safe and sensible parallel investments.
Timothy Green, a well-known gold expert, says:The great strength of gold throughout history has not been that you make money by holding it, but rather you do not lose money. A research study has shown that gold has maintained a consistency in its purchasing power. Records shoe that this constant has remained for over four centuries, right from the mid-twentieth century to the middle of the seventeenth century.
So we can safely say that despite recent hiccups, gold is an important and popular investment which smart investors cannot ignore.

Secure Your Future With The Kb Gold Business!

The KB Gold Business has an intriguing MLM with loads of possibilities and from people that used great knowledge in the past to start this up. Well aware of the global markets being down. Economies worldwide are suffering.
Euro was supposed to be the savior of Europe from economic recession, but it did not turn out to be so. The investors have therefore considered investing in terms of gold, as the value for gold showed steady growth and was not affected by the economic slowdown. The recession did not seem to end any sooner and this prompted them more to invest in gold.
After studying the market for years I've invested numerous times in Mineral companies and gold exploration companies. It's never let me down.
The idea of an MLM that allows you to monthly convert your savings into gold while convincing your friends, relatives, and the world of the internet to do the same I really believe is a great one. And I also believe, if you are talking with anyone who has any sense of economy it won't be that hard to gain their attention and interest.
The compensation plan is pretty simple. As you build up points you increase the percentage of the total volume you earn. There is nothing fancy about it, it is not so great but it is simple and reliable, like gold, and the more you accumulate, the more profitable it becomes, Kind of Like Gold.
Here are two ways to get people to purchase from you as a KB Gold Business Distributor. First of all they need to sign up for a monthly purchase plan. This works better for you. Earning for every Euro your clients spend on gold. This is a German Company so they do work in Euros.
Second is you may earn points from purchases of gold through you. For large purchases of KB Gold you earn one point for every ten Euros of gold purchased by your clients.
A minimum of 2500 points a month is required for a standard living. It is possible to survive with 1250 points per month but it won't be enough for a classy life style. Skill lies in trying to attain as much points as possible
This shouldn't be difficult convincing people to move their investments and retirement funds into gold based considering the times we currently live in. It should be in the best interest of companies to maintain an honest business so they can truthfully say The KB Gold Business has awesome potential backing it, and I've spent a good amount of time researching global economies, and less time writing reviews and researching MLM companies.
But I have quite a lot of Experience in Both which makes the information I offer you about KB Gold Business information you can trust.
Interesting facts to know about KB Gold business and the Euro on how KB Gold manages their gold distribution. Casing gold pennies inside credit card style plastic units. These cards are accepted by thousands of corporations and companies across Europe. This is the start of a trend with no end in sight and every reason to grow rapidly.
The company confined its operations within Europe when it was established over 16 years ago and is now on the move to establish its presence worldwide. It has now made it presence felt in regions like India, USA, Africa, Canada, South America, UK, Asia, Middle East, Australia and New Zealand.
Even though this is a founded, reliable company with good history you can be close to the top in your country developing further KB Gold Business down line. This is an outstanding idea and a wise investment opportunity. I would say this is an investment and a business opportunity. I do confess the old fashioned and easy compensation plan will take time to really start paying out but gathering gold while patently waiting is not a bad investment/retirement savings plan idea.
So with that said I give The KB Gold Business 4 stars. It has a lot of plusses but much more of them fall within investment opportunities. Again, they have just begun to expand their campaign to Market KB gold as a business so it is very likely they start investing more money into this aspect as we head more towards a gold driven world the potential exists that this company could provide a much better business opportunity than it currently is and that potential could happen rather quickly.
Best of luck to all your Nome Based Businesses!
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/business-articles/secure-your-future-with-the-kb-gold-business-3319243.html#ixzz1KD77e3Fg
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Trading Gold Futures

The Gold Futures Market is another way to make money with gold. However, it is also risky and could cost you a lot of money if you don't know what you are doing.
Traditionally, the futures market was a way for farmers to guarantee a future sales price, with a ready buyer, on crops or livestock that would not be ready for market until some point in the near future. Gold mines starting selling futures contracts as well.
A futures contract traditionally lasted for 30, 60, 90 or 120 days. It was a relatively short-term instrument designed to lock-in profits before actually selling your product. Gold futures were sold in 100 ounce increments. That is, one contract guaranteed the future sales price for 100 ounces of gold.
The buyer of a gold futures contract owns the right to buy (take possession) or sell the underlying 100 ounces of gold for the time period stated in the contract. He pays a relatively small premium to the actual owner of the gold for this right.
The investor (often referred to as a “speculator”) can buy or sell the gold for a stated price during the contract period.
Most speculators never take possession of the underlying commodity. Instead, they bet that the value of gold will either go up (a call contract), or go down (a put contract). If you believe that gold will increase in value, you are “going long”. If you believe that gold is going down in value, you are “going short”
For example, lets assume I buy a “call contract” on 100 ounces of gold valued at $850 an ounce. I have the right to buy the gold from its owner for the stated time period (30,60, 90 or 120 days) at the guaranteed price of $850 per ounce.
If gold increases by $50, I can sell the “contract” and pocket the difference ($50 x 100 ounces = $500).
The reverse is also true. I can buy a “put” contract because I believe the price of gold is going down in the near future. In a “put” contract the owner of the gold, or another investor, guarantees to buy the gold at a set price. If gold goes down in value, they still have to pay the price stated in the futures contract.
For example, lets assume I buy a “put contract” on 100 ounces of gold valued at $800 per ounce. If the price drops to $700 during the contract period, the owner of the gold, or another investor, agrees to pay out the difference ($100 x 100 ounces = $1,000) to whoever owns the contract.
The contract itself can be bought or sold in the futures market to other investors. The value of the contract relies on the following:
1. How much time is left on the Contract.
2. How close to the market-price is the price in the contract
3. How many investors want to buy the contract (supply/demand)

Gold futures contracts that are at or over (under in a put contract) the market price are said to be “in the money”. “In the money” contracts are already profitable for investors and thus they are more expensive. Most speculators buy contracts that are not yet profitable, in the hopes that price changes will bring these contracts “in the money”. The CBOE (Chicago Board of Options Exchange) is the marketplace in the United States where gold futures contracts are bought and sold.
Trading gold futures contracts carries the risk of huge losses as well as profits. If the price of gold goes against your contract, you are on the hook for the difference. They should be viewed as a highly speculative investment with a huge amount of risk. Don't bet money you can't afford to lose.
Learn More about Trading Gold Futures Here!

Gold Options vs. Futures

Gold Options are similar to gold futures except they don't carry the same risk. Options give the buyer the right to control 100 ounces of the precious metal, but, if the market moves against the contract, the most the speculator will lose is his premium. When the market moves against a futures contract, things can get really ugly fast. The speculator can be on the hook for much more than what he paid to purchase the contract in the first place.
For example, lets suppose that you bought a futures contract on gold that has a 90 days left on it before it expires. The market price at the point of purchase is $800 per ounce. Your contract gives you the right to buy/sell gold for $800 an ounce. The market goes against you with 80 days left in the contract and now gold is selling for $750 per ounce. Fifty dollars below your contract.
In this situation, your futures broker would call you and ask you to put more money into your account which is now short 100 ounces x $50 = $500.00. If you refuse, he will sell out your position and you are still obligated to come up with the $500.00. Should you again refuse, he will go to court, get a judgment, and start the collections process.
Things get even nastier as your credit is negatively affected, your paycheck gets garnished and you end up with a lien on your house. You are no longer welcome in any futures brokerage and you wish you never got involved in the futures market. People have literally lost fortunes playing the futures market.
Now, lets pretend you own an option with the same control over 100 ounces of gold. The market goes against you just like in the above scenario. You can ride it out because the most you have to lose is the premium you paid for the option in the first place. If the gold price doesn't go any higher, you've lost that anyway. Now you can sleep at night.
In the futures market, you can put a “stop loss” order that forces your broker to sell into the market, but, you still have to cover whatever your losses were before the stop-loss order is executed. Things could still get crazy. Permit me to illustrate:
You buy a contract for $800. You also tell your broker to sell your contract if gold prices go lower than $798 per ounce. You're still on the hook for the $2 per ounce difference (100 bucks), but you consider this an acceptable risk. This is called a “stop-loss” provision/order and is designed to stop you from losing your shirt. 10 days in gold plunges $50 per ounce. As its falling, your broker is trying to sell your contract into the market. He finally finds a buyer when gold hits $795 per ounce. You guessed it, your liability just got a whole lot greater.
Now the real heart-breaker. Gold recovers after you sold your contract and actually goes up to $820 per ounce. Not only have you lost the profit ($20 per ounce x 100 ounces = $2000); you still owe your brokerage $500.
If you had bought an option instead. You could have waited out the bad and benefited from the positive move in price. Much less risk and far greater potential for a reasonable profit. Options make a whole lot more sense than futures contracts to the conservative investor. You get the same contract (100 ounces of gold), with the same leverage, with the same upside for profit.
What you don't get, is the sleepless nights and constant worry a futures contract can bring.
Get Paul A Drockton M.A.'s Gold Course Here!

Gold and Silver Charts

September bottoms failed to hold for both gold and silver. The price of Gold made a new bottom at around 681$ for spot gold. The price of spot silver traded as low as 8.47$.
Gold support and resistance zones: 541$, 559$, 607$, 638$, 681$ <> 744$, 772$, 845$, 930$, 988$,1032$
gold weekly chart
Silver support and resistance zones: 5.20$, 6.30$, 7.23$, 8.46$<> 11.03$, 12.02$, 12.59$, 13.07$, 13.73$, 16.48$, 19.44$, 21.34$.
silver weekly chart

Where is the gold price?

Different views of investors about the direction the course for the price of gold in the future, after having reached its highest level ever.

At the end of last week - when it landed prices of goods and rumored about the possibility of the end of the boom in commodity prices present - it was reported that the international investor George Soros - who runs a hedge fund large, which could raise $ 1.1 billion Menen speculation on the pound sterling in 1992 - sold large quantities of gold and silver by the stockpiling them in the past three years, having made a profit of 65%.

The John Paulson - who also runs a hedge fund and was able to raise more than $ 20 billion of speculation in the U.S. real estate market - has told investors last week that he still invests his own money in gold.

Came the views of Soros and Paulson at a time when the price of gold fell last week by 1.6%, and the price of silver fell by 29%, the biggest drop in 35 years.

It was not a surprise to the decline in gold Soros who predicted a decline because of what he called the bubble that would be inflicted on the yellow metal.

But Paulson predicted higher gold price of 1487 dollars an ounce today to four thousand dollars in the past three or five years.

The British newspaper The Guardian that this divergence of views on the price of gold gives an idea of ​​the extent of uncertainty surrounding the precious metals and other commodities, at least in the short term.

She added that the price of gold and other commodity prices have risen in recent months with rising inflation and falling interest rates, which made investors shy of U.S. bonds and other assets yielding weak to get higher returns.

In addition to falling interest rates, investors turned to other commodities because of falling U.S. dollar exchange rate which is assessed on the basis of these commodities, which make it cheaper for investors from outside the dollar zone.

Added to increase the demand for goods by manufacturers in China with the economic recovery in the United States and Europe.

Therefore prices of gold and silver, cocoa and coffee to record levels in recent weeks, prompting speculation that the end of this climb.
Experts differ on whether prices will continue to rise. According to Deputy Head of Economic Affairs of the Corporation Scotia Capital in Toronto, Derek Holt said that the growth of markets in emerging economies will continue, and that will put pressure on commodity prices.

And expected high oil prices, coffee, copper, cocoa and gold to at least double in the next twenty years.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The immense wealth of Mubarak

The Mubarak family fortune could reach 40 to 70 billion dollars, according to a survey by the Guardian. "A sum difficult to measure because most of its assets is invested in offshore accounts and real estate investments around the world.


the famous American magazine "Forbes" Hosni Mubarak does not cite as one of the first 1000 fortunes of the world, nor even as one of the first in Egypt. And yet. According to information from serious "Guardian", the Egyptian president's family would sleep on a fortune ... 40 to 70 billion dollars (between 29.5 and 51.6 billion euros). More than the Mexican magnate Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world with 53.5 billion dollars, or even Microsoft founder Bill Gates (53 billion), relatively speaking, however, puisqu'individuellement Hosni Mubarak would "only" $ 15 billion-which would put then in the 33rd place, behind Vladimir Lisin (15.8 billion) and to Steven Ballmer (14.5 billion). According to British newspaper, his second son (considered his "heir" but my dad has promised not to make his place in the next election in September) could he, sitting on a fortune of some $ 17 billion. The eldest, Alaa, would not enjoy even half of that amount: $ 8 billion. And Suzanne Mubarak, wife of the man who ruled the country for thirty years, did not have "only" a billion dollars.
However, no "sign of wealth" among Mubarak. At least not as much as the "Clan Ben Ali", whose wealth is inestimable, only that of President Zine el Abidine was estimated by Forbes to at least $ 5 billion in 2008, three times less than his Egyptian counterpart. Some hotels and luxury residences on the coast posh Red Sea (as in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh), but also in Manhattan and Beverly Hills (Rodeo Drive) for the father ... a sumptuous apartment in the wealthy neighborhood Belgravia in London for Gamal (who has dual nationality, as his mother), two jets and a yacht valued at 60 million euros for Alaa but "nothing completely outrageous" compared to the fortunes of the country * , as pointed out by Robert Springborg, professor at the Naval Postgraduate School and a scholar of the Middle East quoted by ABC News. "There are many others who live in Egypt with an ostentatious lifestyle," said the specialist on the Middle East. And for good reason: much of the wealth of Mubarak would be placed in Swiss and British banks or real estate in the United Kingdom and the United States, but also in Paris, Madrid, Dubai and Frankfurt, according to a report of Last year in the Arabic newspaper Al Khabar.
To raise such a sum, the clan would Mubarak received a systematic and endemic corruption affecting every area of ​​the economy. In detail, the "exchange of good practices' of the Rats have begun when he was general, and headed the Egyptian Air Force. In this capacity, he negotiated contracts for the supply of military equipment to military aviation, and touched his pots of wine passed. A formula that would soon apply to all foreign investments to the country's accession to power, in which he was able to afford investments juicy. Mubarak had agreements with all the big names in real estate and other businessmen. We remember especially the case Madinaty, a case of selling state land for the construction of a residential complex for a pittance in Egyptian real estate mogul and pillar of the National Democratic Party ( NDP in power), Hisham Talaat Moustafa, and also convicted for the murder of a Lebanese singer (read more here). In addition, ABC News said that Gamal Mubarak would have speculated on its sovereign debt of countries over the last thirty years the Egyptian pound was trading at 25% of its value was guaranteed by the Egyptian state .. . With the money, he would have offered huge military land of "Ismailia Desert" at ridiculous prices, it would then resold to investors.
Current in the Gulf?
According Amaney Jamal, professor of political science at Princeton University, quoted by the Guardian, this method of wealth accumulation is a common model in the "Middle East dictators, that their wealth is not entered during a change of power. "The dividends from commercial activities related to the military and those linked to the government have accumulated on their personal assets," he told ABC News. There was much corruption in this regime and a stifling of public resources for personal purposes. "He added that most Gulf states require foreign companies to give a local partner 51% of units in new start- up. "In Egypt, the figure is usually closer to 20%, but it still allows politicians and their close allies in the military have access to huge profits without down payment and with little risk," has yet developed the Princeton professor. Note that the latest ranking by Transparency International, which measures perceptions of corruption in the World, published October 26, puts Egypt in the 98th out of 178 countries, behind Tunisia (59th) but ahead of Algeria ( 105th), Libya (146th) or even Italy (167th). Finally, remember that 40% of the 84 million people in Egypt live account with less than three dollars per day, while GDP is 138 billion euros in 2009.
* The richest are the Egyptian Sawiris, telecommunications giants, Construction and Tourism, whose father and son share these branches of the Orascom empire. They are also the only ones listed in Forbes. Naguib Sawiris is the richest man in Africa (62nd in the world).

The coffee is expensive for companies



British study amounted to 416 pounds sterling (490 euros) per employee per year and the financial impact of tea or coffee break. A ritual which would cost more to businesses than the cigarette break.
The coffee makes it less productive employees? According to a study conducted by the polling institute Opinion Online * for the manufacturer of water dispensers T6, the British would lose 24 minutes of work each day with rifle tea and coffee breaks. Four out of ten employees or are preparing to find a hot drink at least twice a day, while five people took the time once a day. On a professional career, this is 188 days and 21 hours to wait for the kettle heats up, the study calculates.
For employers, these moments of relaxation at a cost, the survey concludes. The loss of productivity due to breaks tea and coffee is encrypted to 416 pounds (490 euros) per employee per year. The study is based on the fact that the year has about 253 working days in Britain and the average salary of 26,000 pounds (30,600 euros). A total cost of 14,500 pounds (17,000 euros) per year for a company of 35 employees, or 250,000 pounds (295,000 euros) for a group employing 600 people.
A cost of nearly $ 12 billion per year
"It's amazing to think that the average tea break is almost 190 days over a career," says Agneta Sjodin, marketing director of T6, the British publication Real Business. "Employees who are waiting with the kettle wasting his time to their business and cost him a fortune in lost productivity," she adds. Especially in the end, this coffee costs five times more expensive than the cigarette break, is Real Business. According to a study by the London School of Economics for the British social security, the NHS, employees who smoke cost 2.1 billion pounds (2.3 billion euros) per year for their companies. Drinkers of tea or coffee, them, costing 10.8 billion pounds (11.7 billion euros), according to calculations of Online Opinion.
Often singled out, the coffee retains many defenders. Cary Cooper, professor of psychology at Lancaster University Management School, these moments of relaxation are essential to compensate for a life at work more sedentary and often spent at a computer. "People should be more active and see other people," he explains to the BBC News Magazine. According to him, companies should break even arrange morning twice a week.
Tool of cohesion within the company
In France, a study in late 2009 by the institutes and LH2 Market Vision on behalf of the professional division shows that the Nespresso coffee break can be more productive than we think. French employees consume an average of three coffees a day at their workplace. Beyond a moment of relaxation, coffee represents 75% of the 406 executives and 471 employees surveyed an effective tool to enhance cohesion within the team and for 65% of them, it is even the best way to ease tensions. A utility that 79% recognize the human resource managers. However, only 11% of managers believe that the time coffee is essential for communication within the company.
* Survey conducted from November 8 to 14, 2010 among 1,000 British adults

At work, do not force yourself to smile

OFFICE OF LIFE - A U.S. study highlights the adverse effects of hypocritical expressions on health and productivity of employees.
You got the left foot, but seek to hide your feelings behind a mask of good humor? You do not pass necessarily the right strategy. According to the findings of a study published in the Academy of Management Journal, forced smiles are harmful to the health of people interested, as well as their productivity.
This survey of bus drivers shows that those who are forced to be friendly mood gradually deteriorate at the same time they tend to divest themselves of their task. It confirms the findings of previous studies conducted on the subject. "Employees who express their true feelings enjoy better health, have a sense of personal achievement are stronger and more committed to their work," said the Canadian researcher Ursula Hess in a study published in 2003.
"All the emotions have a functional role. They are used to optimize the well-being of the body to regulate it, "says Christopher Haag, professor of human resources at EM Lyon and author of Generation QE (for" emotional quotient "). An employee who denies his emotions express themselves liable to see another way: insomnia, backache, lack of concentration ... As an athlete, an employee must be in tune with his body and act to remedy what disturbs him. "
Play a role as an actor
In some occupations that are highly exposed to the public bus driver, sales, cashier, ... -, individuals are more than others led to deal with their emotions. A vendor is summoned to be friendly with customers, a steward or stewardess to show calm and serenity in spite of turbulence, a doctor to show empathy if he announces a bad news ...
"These occupations require knowledge to play a role, just as a player. The employee must be aware of and train there. Although control his emotions remains an emotionally exhausting, "says Christophe Haag. To avoid curling the burn-out, only one solution: to know and take breaks when psychological fatigue is felt.
"The open space is a kill l'émotion"
In general, the emotion remains a precious commodity in the business, more and more popular with managers. If the enthusiasm and joy are obviously challenging, some negative emotions considered, such as anger, also possess certain virtues. In his latest book, Little Chief or real boss, Robert Sutton, Stanford professor, said that "a few strokes of reds episodic create the impression that he who speaks knows whereof he speaks."
But curiously, even though many managers advocate a sensible use of emotion in the workplace, the proliferation of open spaces on the contrary tends to banish! "The open plan, adopted by nearly 60% of large and medium-sized businesses, is a true" kill l'émotion. He created artificial behaviors, attitudes facade, "said Christophe Haag. The company recognizes the need to let people express themselves, but have the structures that would prevent that. Interesting paradox.


A website to do more lunch alone


On the model of afterwork, the site offers colunching.com employed, unemployed or self-employed to meet people at lunch time.
Tired of lunch alone? On the model of afterwork, these evenings after work, the site offers its members colunching.com discover new heads for lunch. Self-employed, unemployed, women on maternity leave or employees will find an opportunity to break the isolation of working at home, or an ordinary day at the office, around a restaurant meal with strangers.
The original concept, the Ras-bowl Sonia Zannad, founder of the site and self-entrepreneur, who lunched alone every day. "Many assets are isolated at noon, she notes, they work at home, looking for a job or just do not always want to go for lunch with colleagues ... It was to break this isolation by allowing people who would not have met otherwise share a moment together, "she says.
This is for example the case of Pascal, CFO in a large company. "Usually I have lunch in the canteen with my team. Today is the first time I go to a "colunching", a concept which I found out about via Facebook. I go to meet other people, change of scenery too, without the formality of the dinner. " Specifically, registered members are invited to dinners organized by the site staff. They can also run their own invitations to other members of colunching.com in a restaurant they choose. Each lunch consists of four to eight people, with a budget ranging generally from 20 to 30 euros.
Feed your professional network
If the site initially directed primarily to freelance, as Sonia Zannad, it now reaches a wider audience, not only willing to do friendly matches. "Currently, about half of our members are professionals who are looking to expand their networks by meeting people who work in the same area as them, sometimes potential clients," says Frederic Bourguet, associate Sonia Zannad. Also a way for some job seekers approach the job market.
Few sites currently offer the same service type. United States, justforlunch.com also encouraged to meet over lunch, but his main objective remains the romantic encounter. The originality of this version is directed primarily to assets, often for business. "Of course, some also come sometimes to meet a soul mate, but this is not the most common," says Frederic Bourguet. Fortunately, because on that point, women will be disappointed. They currently represent about 75% of members, so the average of six GameCafé meet women for two men ...

Spain successfully tests Carrefour's Planet

The two major hypermarkets converted to the new concept show encouraging results. Discover the latest Planet Crossroads, reopened this week near Madrid.
At Carrefour, we cross our fingers that French consumers are inspired by their Spanish neighbors and flock to Planet Crossroads. The new concept has allowed the two hypermarkets in El Pinar and Mostoles (Madrid suburbs) respectively to earn 2.7 points and 2 points of market share in one year on their catchment areas: "It was not happened a long time, especially not in such proportions, "says Pascal Clouzard, executive director of Spain. In four pilot stores in six (Mont St Jean, El Pinar, Mostoles, Vénissieux), those considered "closest to the final design, the results are encouraging: Traffic and sales have increased by 9 , 9%.
Expectations are high for the store of Alcobendas, located on the outskirts of Madrid in Spain by the first Carrefour turnover (177 million for 14,000 square meters), which has adopted the latest concept. "This Planet is now the most successful," said Lars Olofsson, Executive Director of the group, which has obviously eager to deploy the concept in France, where he supervised live activity last week. The successful deployment in Europe, for which a budget of 1.5 billion euros is expected, will primarily depend on the success of the IPO of Carrefour Property, which the group has carried forward.
Introduction of a discount universe
Alcobendas, with its bar, its important fish department and its new POS system is not a typical example of the Planet. "Each store will be tailored to regional and local habits," insists Prioux Noel, Executive Director Europe. A novelty of this shop will however be retained for the entire fleet introduction of a discount world, absent from the pilot stores, which includes all food off the shelves fruits and vegetables, fresh dairy products and frozen sub-label and national brands Carrefour. This space is defined clearly identifiable by its high gondolas.
"What was most lacking in the hyper, what are the services," adds Noel Prioux, listing those available in the store to Alcobendas, including beauty tips, hairdresser, nursery, Internet terminals and a Drive. With the Planet, Carrefour tries above all to provide the best convenience stores - the ultra-fresh, locally as specialty stores. "In the department devoted to electronics for example, we offer the latest brands (high-margin, ie) next to brand products or promotional materials," says Lars Olofsson. One way to provide a wider choice, while remaining faithful to the promise of the hypermarket.
Opening of Planet Ulis this week
"The spirit of Planet with 9 spaces (fresh, home, beauty, fashion, baby, multimedia, bio, frozen and events) or its wide fairways will be the same in the 241 planets we will open by mid 2013 ' said the CEO. Over a third (98) should have opened their doors at the end of this year. Forty will be in Spain, which will have been 15 next month Planet, against only 6 in France (Les Ulis next week). Spain took the lead in the revolution that Carrefour has decided in autumn 2010 to "re-enchant its hypermarkets" in Western Europe (50% of group turnover), who lost, "the last decade, all year 1.7% of turnover per square meter, "says Jose Carlos Gonzalez Hurtado, Executive Director of Business Development.

Right Foot: a reserve price of 600 million



The Professional Football League will award all nine lots on June 24
Friday, Frederic Thiriez, the president of the Professional Football League (LFP) announced the tender for media rights to the L1 for seasons 2012-2016. The firm Clifford Chance and the LFP have concocted a bid on nine lots and two key ideas. The first is to strengthen existing partnerships with Canal + and Orange while attracting new entrants. The second main idea is to get at least 600 million euros. To be sure, the LFP has set this amount as a reserve price for the first 6 lots. The reserve price of lots 7,8 and 9 remain secret.
LFP has done everything to maximize the exposure of L1 championship with a great game Friday night at 21 o'clock a big match on Saturday at 17 am, followed by games at 19 hours and 21 hours. Sunday will be reinforced with a great match to 14 hours to 17 hours of games and a prestigious shows to 21 hours.
Forcing Canal + to build 420 to 510 million euros
The tender is very complex, it consists of 5 lots premium mixing both great games and magazines. Then comes the Lot 6 named Ligue 1 100% which allows a new entrant to provide a consistent supply at lower cost. Lot 7 - Lot old mobile is owned by Orange - is expanding to become nomadic lot with all games on mobile phones but also on the shelves with 3G and WiFi. Finally, lots 8 and 9 are lots of magazines issued during the week, two days of the championship.
Specifically, the bid is structured so that Canal +,-if it wants to maintain its current offer, should build between 420 million euros for lots 1-4 and 510 million if it wants to add Lot 5. As a bonus, Canal + will be able to choose his best posters. Canal + will have to fight on all lots premium with the risk of losing one of these lots and therefore damaging its offer.
The LFP also relies on the fact that a new entrant can invite themselves to the feast provided to 90 million euros minimum for lot 6. The LCS is designed specifically for foreign players as the sports channel ESPN subsidiary of Disney, or News Corp. Rupert Murdoch. Finally, while Orange wants to keep football on mobile phones and tablets, it will have to bid on Lot 7, whose reserve price is kept secret but should be close to 60 million euros currently paid for by Orange.
The rule of the game is clear. All candidates must submit their tenders on June 20 and FIFA will hold a Board of Directors on June 24 to assign the rights. If the reserve price of 600 million is reached, all prizes will be awarded. However, if the reserve price is not met overall, only lots that have reached their reserve price will be awarded individually. The others will then be operated by the future chain of the LFP called CFoot on TNT charge. Frederic Thiriez has warned there will be no second round of negotiation or mutual agreement with Canal +. One way to get the encrypted string to play the game auction.

How to make free internet calls

As internet connection speed continues to grow faster with technological break throughs in this digital age, making a phone call from your computer via the internet uising VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) -anonymously known as internet telephony or broadband telephony- is becoming trendy and a very  cost effective means to communicate worldwide.

Internet telephony can be made just like a conventional telephone service, to connect to other VoIP phones, conventional phones on the PSTN, or POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), and Mobiles, as shown below. VoIP telephones can be physical phones, that look just like conventional telephones, or they can be 'soft' phones that reside as software on a PC example are Voipax, vonage, voiptalk, etc. Remember that the PC used in this way requires a sound card with speakers and a microphone, which can be in the form of a headset or VoIP telephone connected to a soundcard or via USB.

The benefits of VoIP I will like us to eploit in this case, is how to make calls that entail no cost for calls made. These connections are normally those made to the same network, i.e., another user of the same VoIP service as the originator with call charges incurred when crossing to other networks such as the PSTN or Mobile networks. Charges may also be incurred when connected from one VoIP provider to another. Typically providers will offer quantities of times for monthly fees, in much the same way as fixed fee mobile phone contracts. 

Basic Requirements 

  1. A standard computer with a sound card with speakers and microphones or a VoIP headset connected to the sound card or via USB
  2. Highspeed Internet connection service preferably DSL/Cable or higher with minimum upload and download capacity of at least 90kb/s
  3. A 'softphone' (VoIPCall, VoIPax, Vonage,etc or software like Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, ICQ, etc. These are all free to download from the above service providers website.

Click thumbnail to view full-size

VoIP Headset

Getting started 

  • Once you have downloaded and run one of any of the above softwares on your computer, then you are ready to connect to the world. 
  • You will normally be required to create an account with a username and a password to login into the program.
  • You can also test your headset or speakers and microphones connected via the sound card or usb. For example in skype you can actually make a test call to see if your audio and microphone settings are configured properly
  • After you must have succesfully intsall and test your audio and mircophone settings for your headset, all you need to do is invite your contacts to add you to their networks if they are already using the same service. If not they can create an account with the same service and add you to their contact list or otherwise so anytime you or they are online it will be indicated. 
  • You can then initiate a call by selecting on any of your contacts who are indicated as online and clicking on the call button to begin a conversation for as long as you want. With some services like skype,yahoo, Live messenger, etc. you can actually make a live video call as well as leave a viocemail message when they away which they can listen to anytime they connect to the internet.     
  • I will like to also highlight the advantages of services that give you the option to call landline and mobile phones. Although they are not free calls, they however are many times cheaper than your conventional phone services in terms of the rate they charge per/min especially for long distance calls.

source : http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-make-free-internet-calls#mod_2256403

A faked photo of bin Laden's death was broadcast


A photo released by Pakistani television purporting to show the corpse of Osama Bin Laden is a photomontage.
The image aroused doubt. The hoax has been demonstrated. Monday morning, shortly after the announcement of the death of Osama bin Laden during a U.S. operation in Pakistan, Pakistani television released a faked photo claiming to be the leader of the battered face of al-Qaida. The Pakistani media, which have since removed the document specified that the image was not authentifée.
Agence France-Presse announced that it submitted the photograph to a special software. This helped prove that the photograph had been faked by taking the beard and the lower face of an older photo of bin Laden. An element is particularly intriguing: the bearded image is just gray and rather recalls a photo of bin Laden much younger, while the last known photographs of him showed a lot more gray hairs. The editor in chief of French photo agency is convinced: "The beard is blurred, it is clear that this is a montage," said Mladen Antonov.
Twitter, images showing the composition of the assembly have been released. The cliché would have been released from the lower part consists of an old photo of bin Laden and the upper, swollen and bleeding, a picture of a corpse's face.
A montage aired on twitter had already cast serious doubt on the document, which could be the result of an image-editing software like Photoshop. Moreover, according to a senior U.S. official, testifying anonymously, bin Laden was shot in the head after trying to resist the U.S. onslaught. The snapshot could not match with that information.
The picture was still aired by many media and international sites before being withdrawn. Questioned by AFP, Herve Béroud, editorial director of BFM TV, said the chain "continues to broadcast to explain what happened.
Monday noon, official photographs of bin Laden's death had been published

Cisco UMI: Coming to a business near you

Month’s ago most pundits torched UMI, Cisco’s high-end home telepresence offering.

They said it was too expensive. They said no-one would pay $24.95/month for video calling.

Oh and who were they supposed to call?

Yesterday, while flushing Flip down the toilet Cisco announced that UMI would be rolled into their business telepresence unit. I guess the pundits were  right.

Or were they?

Cisco is a marketing machine. Anyone “in” the industry would’ve told you that UMI makes sense as a business product - not a consumer one.

But business products are boring. No one (even those selling) seem to care about them.

Consumer products? That’s the another story.

Launch a revolutionary new way to communication with friends and family right from the convenience of your own home? Now that’s going to get everyone talking.

Exactly what happened and though the overall reaction was perhaps not what Cisco had originally intended, it certainly made UMI a rather well known product.

The same would not have happened had it been a business product.

So like the marketing machine that is Cisco, they’ll take that initial awareness campaign, swallow their pride and deliver this solution into the small business.

Probably what they had planned to do anyways…

Idées fête des mères et cadeaux pour maman Faites sentir spécial

En Amérique, la première pensée pour un cadeau idéal pour la mère sur sa journée spéciale pourrait être œillets. En Australie, le chrysanthème est la fleur de choix, tandis que les mères britanniques sont heureux avec un bouquet de fleurs au printemps. En tant que mère, je vais accepter n'importe quelle fleur de mon enfant a apporté avec amour pour moi, même les sanglots sure cueillis dans le jardin. Quand mon fils aîné avait huit ans, la famille élargie réservé une péniche et a passé les jours précédant la fête des Mères de croisière sur le fleuve. J'ai eu la chance d'être présenté avec sa grosse prise d'abord que le matin. J'ai ouvert les yeux sur mon fils debout à côté de mon lit avec la canne à pêche et les poissons encore ramper sur la fin de la ligne.
«Maman, Maman, j'ai attrapé un poisson que vous pour le petit déjeuner." C'était une fête des Mères Je chérirai comme parmi les meilleurs


Les mères méritent le meilleur
Beaucoup disent que nous sommes beaucoup trop commercialisé à l'époque moderne pour tout don de dépeindre le vrai sens du don. Mais si nous regardons à l'honnêteté que nous pensons de nos mères, elles ne méritent le meilleur? Que ce don est le plus beau des bijoux, un vase de cristal, un simple bouquet de fleurs ou une carte à la main, le meilleur ne vient pas de ce don, mais le sérieux de l'enfant dans le souvenir et la reconnaissance de l'occasion.
Les mères passent leur vie entière consacrée à leurs enfants. Peu importe si cet enfant est un bébé nourri être dans ses bras ou un adulte sortir de trouver leur propre chemin dans la vie, une mère continue à entretenir, d'enseigner et de protéger. La façon dont j'ai appris à m'occuper de mes enfants a été à travers l'exemple de ma mère. J'espère que j'ai vécu jusqu'à ses normes dans les leçons que j'ai transmis à mes enfants.
Quelque chose doit avoir travaillé quand je repense à tous ces merveilleuses années lorsque mes enfants étaient petits être accueillis avec un plateau de petit déjeuner, des fleurs, une carte faite à la main et mes deux jeunes fils en criant, Happy Mother's Day!

Idées pour rendre votre mère à se sentir spécial sur la Fête des Mères
Idées pour les jeunes enfants
1.Breakfast dans le lit (non, vous n'avez pas besoin de rattraper le premier)
2.Clean la cuisine
3.Pick des fleurs
4.Pot une belle plante
5.Vouchers pour les tâches
• faire la vaisselle pendant une semaine
• Faites votre propre lunch
• Mettre à la poubelle
• Aidez-la avec les courses
• Brosser ses cheveux
• Massage ses épaules
• Donnez-lui une manucure
Idées pour les enfants des adultes
• • Tout ce qui précède, ou
• · Faites sortir pour déjeuner ou dîner
• · Préparer son plat préféré
Quelques idées de cadeaux personnels
Crème 1.Hand
Lotion 2.Body
3.Voucher pour un massage, aromathérapie ou manucure
Écharpe 4.Silk
6.Vase pour les fleurs
7.Pre-papeterie imprimés
Bonne fête des mères
Les enfants grandissent et se sépare de temps. Je suis des milliers de miles de ma mère et mes enfants sont des centaines de miles loin de moi. Fête des Mères dans notre famille a évolué pour prendre le téléphone et passer un appel ou d'envoyer des fleurs avec un message spécial sur la carte. Comment jamais vous décidez de célébrer la fête des mères cette année, prendre un moment pour se rappeler les années où votre mère a été le cœur et l'âme de votre monde. Si vous ne pouvez pas être avec elle sur sa journée spéciale, au moins lui faire savoir combien elle signifie pour vous. Bonne fête des mères!

Je suis troublé: Je pensais que ce serait faire de l'argent

Ils ont des sites Web, et ils ont les blogs, et ils pensent que ce qu'ils écrivent est la meilleure chose depuis que le monde en ligne a commencé. Le problème est que personne n'aime se faire dire que l'écriture ou le «problème de mot-clé remplie,« Ils n'aiment pas non plus l'argent de Google AdSense - qu'ils font (les pièces de monnaie faible pour être exact).
Ils veulent de la circulation et, surtout, ils veulent avoir du trafic à partir des lieux qui vont faire beaucoup d'argent. Ils veulent vraiment récupérer cet argent, et puis pleurer sur divers forums à ce qu'ils n'ont pas trouvé la prochaine grande chose. Le fait est que si vous écrivez quelque chose de qualité à un certain point sera bâton. Mais il ya plus que ... ce qui explique pourquoi ...
Ils sont confus. Ils sont vraiment confus.



Faire de l'argent devrait être facile
Le premier problème auxquels sont confrontés la plupart des gens est que le concept qu'ils entendent que la plupart des gens font beaucoup d'argent. Il semble que le plus grand défi pour eux, c'est qu'ils ont tous envie de faire de l'argent mais ne pas entendre les détails.
Lorsque je dis aux gens que je reçois de nombreux paiements de mon travail écrit chaque mois, les gens ont tendance à passer sous silence ce que j'ai fait faire pour ce genre d'argent. Par exemple, laissez-moi aller dans quelques détails sur comment je fais de l'argent avec mon écriture.
1) Je n'écris pas seulement sur ​​un ou deux sites, la plupart du temps, j'ai environ 6 ou 7 sites différents, je écrire. Il s'agit notamment de: Squidoo, Hubpages, mon site web et blogs (il ya quatre d'entre eux), Wikinut, Bukisa, et Excerptz. Je fais les choses comme les autres ghostwriting qui me fait l'argent en ligne. La clé est de lire à nouveau: je écrire sur plus d'un site.
2) Je lien: Franchement, je lien. Ce n'est pas drôle, il n'a souvent pas obtenir de résultats immédiats, mais dans le long terme, il gardé mon trafic va. Je ne suis pas dans le concept d'un milliard de liens vers mes centres, mais je crois dans le concept d'obtenir que le trafic y est une certaine façon, et en quelque sorte. Le fait est que le plus de trafic, plus ils seront susceptibles ajouter un lien vers votre travail aussi bien.

Points Money Plus
3) Je ne reproduira pas de contenu: Je suis tout à fait clair sur ce point. Je ne reproduira pas de contenu, il ya plusieurs raisons à cela, mais l'idée sous-jacente est la suivante: Si mon contenu est volé, je peux déposer une plainte DMCA, aussi parce que j'écris sur un terrain de la rédaction de sites, je peux développer sur les différents branches de l'information que je suis intéresser Quelque soit sur ​​l'écriture, certains sur la publication, certains sur l'histoire, mais ils sont sur ​​des sites différents. Tout cela est contenu original. Maintenant que Hubpages ne permet pas de reproduire le contenu, je suis un croyant encore plus de cela.
4) je regarde les mots-clés, et je décide (comme dans je crois) de ce qui va m'aider à obtenir du trafic, mais pas seulement cela, mais les gens ne feront quelque chose, prenez un clic sur un lien du scrutin ou même sur une annonce. Ce que je suis très inquiète, c'est ce que les gens ont besoin, et non pas ce qui pourrait me faire le plus grand clics. (Par exemple l'argent terme ne fera pas ce que vous pensez qu'il pourrait vous faire!)
5) Je fais aussi de ne pas publier tout de suite. Je suis grande à ce sujet. Principalement parce que lorsque je publie à la hâte je fais des erreurs, et ces erreurs sont une mauvaise chose. Je sais que quand je ne regarde plus mon travail, il ya encore des erreurs, mais les fautes d'orthographe, moyeux courts (de 500 mots ou moins) ne doit pas être publié - comme dans celles qui peuvent être vus par un correcteur orthographique. Ils ne feront pas moneylong terme, voire pas du tout.

Donc .. Mes revenus sont Bad ... Je le fais, je fais ce que tu fais!
Je pense qu'à ce stade, vous avez regardé ces cinq points de base, fait un peu de calcul mental et est allé, mais je fais tout de ces choses, et mes revenus sont toujours pauvres, en fait, je devine que vous ne font pas tout d'entre eux tout le temps.
L'ajout de liens est ennuyeux, et de la recherche mot-clé est ennuyeux. Je devine que vous faire un peu de liant, et que vous lisez beaucoup de centres destinés à faire de l'argent en ligne, et comment augmenter vos revenus, mais le fait est que vous prenez un coup d'oeil à la plupart des outils de recherche mot clé (AdWords Google les mots-clés Outil ou SpyFu), et que vous regardez pour les numéros que vous pensez de sens (ou seront salariés gros) --- mais avec un peu de recherche vous trouvez que ce n'est pas une bonne idée.
Ensuite, vous publiez un hub, et vous obtenez quelques commentaires, et vous commencez à compter vos sous laquelle vous faites ce jour-là, et vous vous demandez ce qui se passe ... vous commencez à se confondre, vous avez entendu quelque part que vous avez besoin de faire autre chose.

Revenus potentiels est juste que
Revenus potentiels. Assez simple?
La chose que je crois qui arrive à la plupart des gens est postérieure à la recherche de mots clés qu'ils ont fait, ils regardent le potentiel de revenus et de trouver que ce qu'ils pensent qu'ils peuvent faire avec un mandat n'est pas d'obtenir un retour sur investissement qu'ils pensaient. L'argent de Google AdSense et autres programmes d'affiliation sont importants.
Laissez-nous tester une théorie, beaucoup de gens ont fait mention de lui, mais je veux aller en elle comme elle se rapporte à un "faire de l'argent" hub, maintenant je veux m'en servir comme clé principale, dans ma page web pour Je vais dire un outil de mot-clé, et il lève les yeux, et le potentiel est de 2,45 $.
Si vous êtes nouveau à l'aide d'un outil de mots clés, ne vont pas sauter autour d'ajouter ces mots-clés tout de suite, vous aurez besoin de trois choses pour faire un bon choix si c'est un bon mot-clé pour vous: la concurrence, (comme dans le nombre de sites Web sont là-bas en compétition pour ce terme, et ce type de sites Web qu'ils sont) Combien de personnes sont en effet prêts à dépenser pour obtenir une petite place, et la concurrence pour cette annonce particulière.
Donc, vous ne pourriez pas obtenir 2,45 $ par clic, vous pourriez faire quelques sous, vous devez vous fier à votre contenu et vos liens. La raison en est que le mieux le choix des mots-clés, et plus votre travail est le plus probable que vous "faire de l'argent." C'est pourquoi la plupart faire du site Web d'argent en ligne ne font pas de l'argent en ligne. (Au moins avec Google AdSense.)
Faire de l'argent est un jeu de réflexion
Bien avant que vous aller dire que personne ne faire de l'argent avec Google AdSense ou tout programme d'affiliation d'autres, de comprendre que vous avez besoin pour passer quelques temps à réfléchir à ce que vous écrivez.
Vous avez créer un site web, et vous devez obtenir d'hébergement pour elle, et puis vous avez font en sorte que les gens lisent, ce qui signifie qu'il en établissant des liens et faire des recherches par mot clé, puis vous travaillerez avec les programmes d'affiliation, vous choisissez d'avoir sur votre site web.
Oui, c'est sur l'argent en ligne, mais il vise aussi à donner vos renseignements lecteurs qu'ils peuvent utiliser pour construire sur leurs gains. Encore une fois, vous devez penser et vous avez besoin de comprendre quels sont vos objectifs, mais si vous ne faites pas les petites choses, vous serez confondus, et demande encore pourquoi vous gagnez ce que vous gagnez.