Saturday, May 21, 2011

Discovering books

Walking, almost phenomenal, the computer tool did much damage in the literary world. Indeed, the production of books and readership have declined relatively. SMS, e-mail and, specifically, the Internet take away the common man of books. The next lines we elucidate about the origin, importance and reserved for future books.
The completion of the book is drawn from the resolution of a few people to write texts. These texts could have a tangibility ordinary long term only through books. Wood shelves with the travel books is also marked by papyrus, scribes and scrolls. The real book revolution intervened with the works of Johannes Gutenberg in 1450. Thanks to him, it became possible to reproduce a book, not a single copy, but many. Further, we explore the fate of the book.
Many people are wondering the reason for all this publicity around the book. For those, it is worth mentioning that among the important factors to the perfect health of our civilization, the books have a prominent place. Besides their natural ability to enhance our thinking and educate us, books are judged, such as an invaluable legacy for future generations. In other words, the books are set and maintained, the greatest facts of our existence.
Nowadays, the costs of distribution and production of books are reduced, the magnitude of the Internet. It was now, instead of encyclopedias, websites. The physical book is gradually giving place to the electronic book (e-book). The latter, in comparison with the world of music, is worried by future acts of piracy. In short, the future of the book is found, much more clearly in the note pad.

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