Monday, June 6, 2011

Races of cat

At the beginning, the cats were used for only one end qu' is: to kill the rodents. With the passing of years, we started to raise cats of company. Aujourd' today, several races of cats are counted. They are more than 70 distinct races, recognized by the register-cats. But, there exist several registers which do not recognize qu' approximately 40 races or a little more, because they exclude the most domestic races, like the tigers. There also exists of many alternatives, including the wildcats which have long hair. There are certain races of cats which have roots which go up a little longer in l' history. Certain Japanese races, such as Japanese Bobtails, can go up jusqu' with more than 1000 years. These cats are very current and well-known in Japan. The most current races of cats which are in North America include/understand the ordinary cat which is a cat with long hair, and the chat.persan. The Siamese cats are also frequent, even s' they are well-known to be destroying and have a bad character. The Persian cats are very popular, known like affectionate companions. " Alley Cats" are most common in North America. There are in fact several different races, although the majority d' between them one only refers them as of the ordinary cats which are good pets. The cats are known to reproduce more than any other pet, and they will continue to reproduce jusqu' with this qu' they are stopped. The ordinary cats among are raised, as there are hundreds of thousands of cats which are homeless person - and n' has nothing to make to reproduce. L' appearance of the cat is the easiest means to recognize its race. Certain people choose to pass by the color, even if the color n' is not also easy to identify. Several races of cats have l' different air, like the Siamese one and the Persian cats. The Siamese cats all are almost black, and easy to identify by their color and their eyes. Persian cats, d' another share, are easily identified by their type of body and their hair. With the passing of years, the cats were the most popular pets. Million people in the world prefers a cat on n' import which other pet - including the dogs.

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