Saturday, May 21, 2011

Do you have a little time to make money

In our article today we will talk of "eBay" as more and more users make their living by buying and selling on this site and on other auctions on-line.
This is one of the most profitable.
This is certainly one way to make sales the best known and among the most profitable on the Internet quickly.
Many books have been written about the phenomenon of "eBay" auctions and "online". There are also many websites devoted to it.
"EBay" is not the only auction site on the Internet. However, it is certainly the best known and most successful.
Some of the books that explain how to make money on "eBay" more than 500 pages. This means the scope of activities and potential revenue.
"EBay" auctions and "online" have the distinction of attracting thousands of visitors and traffic.
In the case of "eBay" is talking about millions of people simultaneously connected per day. Here are some statistics:
There are over 2 million people who visit "eBay" in every day to search for a product to buy.
On average, visitors spend about two hours to find products.
72% of users 'eBay' make more $ 50 000 in personal income.
There are over 150 million subscribers currently members.
$ 1 000 of sales are made every second on "eBay", or some $ 86 million in sales per day. Billions each year.
The successes on "eBay" have become legion.
They even created a culture and way of life based on it.
Many users generate good income devoted to trade in the auction "online" while doing something they love.
Basically, the sales system based on the notion of auction ... that is to say that it displays a product and sells it to the highest bidder.
It is interesting to note that between 40 and 50% of sales are made without competitive bidding, that is to say fixed price.
It can also be creative and do business on "eBay" in its broadest sense. That is to say, buying products online and relist it for a profit.
Some people post more than $ 500 000 a year in revenues by focusing solely on trade "eBay."
Several entrepreneurs who had their own site and generated few sales have simply moved their operations on "eBay" and blew up their sales.

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